Monday, July 17, 2017

Net Neutrality. Why you should care.

Hello all,

Welcome back, 

Image result for net neutrality
Today, I will discuss a little on net neutrality and its importance and the impact it has on the internet community.

So... What is net neutrality? 

The internet is a vast interconnected pool of seemingly endless data. Through the principle of net neutrality, packets of data are sent to everyone in the world equally. Basically, the internet stays open to everyone without discrimination. 

So... Why should you care ? 

Net neutrality is being threatened by those who seek to control it's traffic. These bigwigs are Internet Service Provider's or ISP's, who (with the downfall of net neutrality) can dictate usage terms for both websites and users alike. An ISP can charge more to those users consuming more of those precious data packets. If you liked streaming video before, you might end up having to cut the habit. ISP's can also charge those companies that provide the streaming video that you like watching, like Netflix and YouTube, to maintain a certain streaming speed on their end. 

The FCC is currently fighting the hard battle and standing up for net neutrality. We all use the internet, whether it be for knowledge, free speech or just to make an honest living and net neutrality keeps things afloat. These companies are becoming ruthless in their endeavors to control the internet but the internet can never truly be contained and the fight will keep going.

Thanks for reading my blog!

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